Amalgam Giant - Custom Hearthstone Card

Amalgam Giant

14th April, 2022 (RR)

Made by ASAPlayz ()

DatBoi 1 year ago
@DunstenStein I'm positive I've seen it happen, but I find no evidence in either sense so I may be totally wrong.
DustenStein 1 year ago
Lightfang cannot buff the same Amalgam twice, what are you talking about?
DatBoi 1 year ago
Lightfang can buff the same Amalgam twice, but N'Zoth won't resurrect it twice, it's just inconsistent and better wording should be used when possible.

We could argue that resurrecting counts entities and that resurrecting the same exact minion twice possibly happens but has no effect because the minion's no longer dead, but this is not consistent with how Resurrect works, so N'Zoth is inconsistent in any case.

The solution here would be simple and it's the wording @Murozondy proposed.
DustenStein 2 years ago
If one Amalgam dies, N'Zoth will resummon only 1 amalgam. If two died, N'Zoth will resummon two. A minion with the "All" type acts kind of like a placeholder in that case. It's a bit confusing but it makes sense
Sqentontheslime 2 years ago
I imagine that that is likely what people would have expected around the time the first amalgam got released, the interaction with Menagerie was one of the first things I tried when I got my hands on it during witchwood.
Hell, that might very well be what new players think when they see them, I suppose it does make sense, even if that's not how it works in-game.
And yes, I watch Hysteria, and I agree "Each minion of a different type" would be more clear.
Murozondy 2 years ago
No Sqento, you can shoot it however you want, but you have to admit that it is not consistent with what Amalgam should be. If you play amalgam you are playing a minion with ALL types, so you are playing ALL types, mechs, pirates etc. This means amalgam, AT LEAST in theory.
Which then, in practice, it works differently, ok, but don't say it's consistent, because it isn't. Not that it's weird, there are a lot of things about HS that are inconsistent (Hysteria is a nice YT channel that often shows there are counterintuitive interactions in HS rules).

If this had said "Costs (1) less for each minion with a different minion type you've played this game." then maybe I would have agreed with you, even if I would have asked for clarification anyway to be sure, but that's not what this says, and, intuitively, a person would think what I said.
Of course, if a person already knows the interaction in the game, that's fine, but it's not absolutely consistent.

Before you have a heart attack, I promise I won't go back to this. Also because in reality it is not that important :tinyfin: )
Sqentontheslime 2 years ago
Amalgams are generally acting as some other tribe whenever an interaction with them occurs.
The curator can draw multiple Amalgams, but say, a menagerie magician will only buff a single amalgam once.
That's how they work in most situations- choosing an amalgam to discover with an amalgam of the deep choses from all tribes and I think that is an exception because there's so few "All" minions.

Murozondy, it is consistent with how it works, you just never tried it out evidently.
DustenStein 2 years ago
congratulations :finleySmile:
ASAPlayz (creator)2 years ago
yay my first card that got put here
Murozondy 2 years ago
Yes yes, I thought the game was consistent with its own rules, but it isn't. So that's nice :)
ASAPlayz (creator)2 years ago
i mean what wishful said is right
ASAPlayz (creator)2 years ago
Yeah thats right
Murozondy 2 years ago
I never played that card, I didn't know that. You will agree that it is stupid. Intuitively it is as I say, but if HS is different, ok. He always has strange rules, I'm game :tinyfin:
Wishful 2 years ago
That isn't how Amaglams work for effects like these. A prime example is Tent Thrasher for Warrior, an Amalgom would just count as 1 minion type for it's cost reduction.
DustenStein 2 years ago
Amalgam would only reduce its Cost by 1
Murozondy 2 years ago
It should be "Costs (1) less ...", and I think this is not good with amalgams. If you only play one amalgam, it's like you've played all 9 types of minions, so this may already cost (0) :thinking: