Elder Choice - Custom Hearthstone Card

Elder Choice

23rd August, 2021 (RR)

DustenStein 2 years ago
I think this should be 2 mana with Attack reduced to 2 and Armor to 4 or something. Drawing A card requires a significantly higher upside the higher it costs. The Dark Portal for example reduces the card's Cost by (5)
quakins 2 years ago
Feral Rage. And yeah, usually gaining armored is valued at less than gaining attack. As is you wouldn't be playing this in a deck that doesn't want to gain attack because drawing a choose one card from your deck and gaining 5 armor is very lack luster.
Spacetime0419 2 years ago
Think the armor gain on this can certainly be buffed to 8. Forget the cards name but Druid used to have that 3 mana, draw a card, gain armor equal to your hand size as a common.