Purgatory Command - Custom Hearthstone Card

Purgatory Command

21st April, 2022 (RR)

Made by TheArcanist

DustenStein 2 years ago
TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)2 years ago
Oh well, since it doesn't really matter I might as well change the token.
DustenStein 2 years ago
The Annoy-os from Giggling also had a rarity
DustenStein 2 years ago
You should change the Emblem but not the rarity or class. Unless you want to change the name and art, it's still the same card as before
TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)2 years ago
Goblin Bomb was a real card from the same expansion as Flark. I thought I'd make this a new token since Witchwood was 4 years ago.
DustenStein 2 years ago
Because the card is Neutral. Goblin Bombs summoned by Flark are Neutral too iirc so these should be as well
DustenStein 2 years ago
the token should be Neutral
Wishful 2 years ago
And yes, I am salty that the one good board buff card we got for Warlock got nerfed because people didn't like that Warlock could push a lethal with smallish minions in that age.
Wishful 2 years ago
ahem, it wasn't "really" strong, it was just strong.

I played the hell out of Galylock and I will simply say that at 3 mana, it was strong card and playable, while at 4 mana it was just awful. Granted it is for a class that is supposed to be bad at board buffs and I think this fits in the same place.

For Priest? I think this is fine considering one of their weakness's is good board buffs.
TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)2 years ago
Fiendish Rites was really strong at 3 and actually nerfed to 4 (to be reversed when it rotated iirc). It was pretty bad at 4 tho. Now that I think about it this is perfect at 4.
Nekkro 2 years ago
Lost Spirit is already in the game.
It's a Callback card, like Giggling Inventor.

This card it's as strong as Fiendish Rites...and it's an okay card. It summon worst minions, but it has Synergy with Galakrond.
So this could cost (3), but it's fine at (4). It depends of the rest of the Shadow/Zoo gameplay.
TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)2 years ago
Lost Spirit is a real card from Witchwood. I just adjusted it to be the token of this cause it's from a different expansion.
HordeHarvenio 2 years ago
Yes it's the same card but neutral
Murozondy 2 years ago
Is the lost Spirit illustration already in the game? I honestly don't remember, but I feel like I've seen it somewhere before. But I could be wrong. :-
TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)2 years ago
Not sure if this isn't too strong.
TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)2 years ago
For Shadow/Zoo Priest since I really like the idea of a deck like this existing. Thoughts?