Ysera, Nightmare - Custom Hearthstone Card

Ysera, Nightmare

11th May, 2020 (RR)

Cardcrafty 3 years ago
Not Bad
keyvnn9 3 years ago
As I said, there’s no specific rule for it. Golden Kobold is Legendary, as is Master Chest, but the spell treasures arent.
Deloa 3 years ago
@Stevethebarbarian : "Ysera Awakens" from Ysera is not legendary though.
Stevethebarbarian 3 years ago
Malygos' spells are legendary because they have his name in them. It's not just a Fireball, it's Malygos' Fireball, just like it's not just a Boom-Zooka, it's [i]Flark's[/i] Boom-Zooka. In turn, if this was called "Ysera's Torment," for instance, it'd have a reason to be Legendary, as it's a unique, specific torment, rather than just a generic concept.

In particular, it's unflavorful for Nightmare Drake and Raging Brother to be Legendary, because they have entirely generic names, and there are clearly lots of them.

Incidentally, I think Raging Brother would be weak as a Constructed card, and while I get the flavor, it should probably have its text changed to "Stealth, Charge" or something.
keyvnn9 3 years ago
@suhti0352 I think they’re Legendary the same way that, for example, Malygos’s spells are. Just as tokens unique to Legendaries.
That being said, there isnt really a rule for this. Regular Ysera’s tokens arent, for example.
suchti0352 3 years ago
the tokens shouldn't be legendary
Cosmic14 3 years ago
Ah, there they are.
Cosmic14 3 years ago
I feel like there were going to be more Nightmare cards.