Fireblast Volley - Custom Hearthstone Card

Fireblast Volley

23rd November, 2018 (TBP+)

Made by TheArcanist

Poondaedalin 3 years ago
I guess we'll see if a 4 Mana Pain and Suffering sees play. Looking forward to March 30th!
FriendlyShadow 3 years ago
MAAGE HERO POWER MAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TheArcanist (4.4) (creator)3 years ago
They printed this effect on a 4 mana 3/5, huh.
Omikamiz 5 years ago
combine with Daring Fire eater from Next expan.

5 mana combo deal 5 to all enemy. And single handly activate that 7 mana legend that summon Ragnaros.
Auron2000 5 years ago
@Poondaedalin it deals damage to the enemy hero too
StealYoDeck 5 years ago
This card would be too op at 2 or 3 mana, but at 4 mana it qould probably be way too weak.
Poondaedalin 5 years ago
3 mana Arcane Explosion (Normal HP)

3 mana Starfall (Upgraded HP)

3 mana Pain And Suffering (DK Hero Power)
Randomizer 5 years ago
I would rather like Jana'lai's Battlecry to be earned, not given. It's kind of hard to write this card without directly having it use your Hero Power, but for balance sake it's probably necessary that your Hero Power isn't the one doing the damage.
Auron2000 5 years ago
Wow, this, in odd mage, new cancer in the meta