Unprepared Soldier - Custom Hearthstone Card

Unprepared Soldier

17th June, 2022 (RR)

Made by JacySteak

DustenStein 1 year ago
giving this a type and some generic keywords would be good. Could be a typed 2/2 Taunt minion that gains +2 Health as a passive effect if it didn't start in your deck
✓better distribution of stats
✓more easily discoverable
✓better if summoned from something
✓probably some other shit idk
DatBoi 1 year ago
May I suggest you to give this minion a tribe? Or otherwise put it into a pool of more common discoveries? I don't know Taunt minions, Spell Damage minions, anything that has a common trend of cards stating 'Discover a card with X quality'.
Gosha305 1 year ago
How do you even get copies of this?
Murozondy 1 year ago
I don't know if it makes sense that it's a battlecry .)
Murozondy 1 year ago
so it's 2 mana 3/3? Nice!