Ann Buscade - Custom Hearthstone Card

Ann Buscade

27th April, 2022 (RR)

Made by JacySteak

Gosha305 1 year ago
Yeah, making it only target minions would be way better.

And about the name, I'm not sure how much this qualifies as a pun, but since "Ann" is an actual name people can have, I think it works pretty well.
Nekkro 1 year ago
I don't get the pun. I mean, I know that Buscade means Wanted, but unless Ann means More in another language, It feels like just a word.
But at the same time, Gosha is the Pun-Master. So for sure it's a great Pun.

Anyway the card is really fun, but could set a lot of burn in turn 5, with double Wicked Stab it's 18 damages. Pretty scary.
It's essentially a 4 mana Malygos that only works on spells that target.
Maybe if it was only with minions it would be healthier for the game. :tinyfin:
Gosha305 1 year ago
Great pun, cool card.

Though I'd say the text would look better if you put Stealth on the same line as the rest of it.