Cleavetwist Scavenger - Custom Hearthstone Card

Cleavetwist Scavenger

10th April, 2022 (RR)

Made by Murghlinwall ()

Murghlinwall (4.3) (creator)2 years ago
Murozondy 2 years ago
Very nice card :)
Murghlinwall (4.3) (creator)2 years ago
yep! exactly
Murozondy 2 years ago
Okay, so the top two cards of your deck are two copies of the card you dredged, right? :)
Murghlinwall (4.3) (creator)2 years ago
its from the discord! and yeah it just duplicates all 3 wherever they are after the dredge
Murozondy 2 years ago
I mean, where are the duplicate copies? In the deck? :-
Murozondy 2 years ago
Not sure I understand exactly how it works, but in the meantime I'm stealing this art from you, okay? XD