Fury of the Lands - Custom Hearthstone Card

Fury of the Lands

2nd September, 2018 (TBP)

Made by Gothe

Kuabulah 5 years ago
I think this is too strong
Kuabulah 5 years ago
@kala Not with Stealth and such
kala 5 years ago
with a bit more finesse to it, though
kala 5 years ago
this seems like it could effectively be "Choose an enemy minion. Deal 3 damage to all other enemy minions."
PoodleFez 5 years ago
pretty awesome way of doing it, usually ends up being a deal 3 to all but the left/rightmost minion which is perfectly fine balancing, your opponent can counterplay it by putting any 3health minions on the edge, very clever 5/5
Gothe (creator)5 years ago
Thoughts? Questions?