Hostage - Custom Hearthstone Card


18th February, 2019 (RR)

Made by Gothe

kala 5 years ago
This seems completely fair to me tbh, at its worst its assassinate that deals you a lot of damage, at its best you take out a 1-hp minion with your hero power dagger from last turn and any other minion you want
MelonHUN 5 years ago
I can see this as a cool Keyword, not sure how it would work tho
Tale Teller 5 years ago
This is too good at its current state (imo), and would be trash if it had to be on your opponents turn. Remember Corruption?
BeeJay 5 years ago
Yeah but using envenom weapon to kill 2 big minions requires at least 2 turns as well as attacking those big minions
keyvnn9 5 years ago
@Joshuo Envenom Weapon can destroy 2 big minions.
Joshuo 5 years ago
This can be very strong with a weapon equipped. Possibly clearing a small minion and a big minion for 3 mana only.
Iouxyl 5 years ago
I think it should be "When your hero takes damage during your opponent's turn." Would make more sense flavourwise. Maybe it could cost 1 less then too.
HAHA1n 5 years ago
Not really
Chi179 5 years ago
Class specific voodoo doll without the 1/1?
Gothe (creator)5 years ago